
Spotlight on Smart Cities: Malaysia’s National Media Features

Featured in Malaysia’s national media, I discussed the essence of smart cities beyond technology, focusing on people-centric development. Amidst significant events on digital transformation and urban planning, I shared insights as a speaker. Smart cities, as I conveyed, intertwine innovation with local needs to foster inclusive, sustainable environments aligned with the UN SDGs. Emphasizing low-tech, high-impact solutions, I advocated for community engagement in city planning, empowering residents to actively shape their urban spaces.

Today, I’m in the national media in #Malaysia 🇲🇾. I was interviewed by Soon Li Wei, journalist at the Malaysian National News Agency (BERNAMA)*, on the topic of #smartcity and the vision(s) behind (read below ⤵). * equivalent to #AFP in France 🇫🇷

A good #timing this week ! With large events on #digital transformation, urban #sustainability and urban #planning, respectively with : Malaysia Digital Expo 2023 Grand Finale by Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), Malaysia Urban Forum 2023 by URBANICE MALAYSIA and National Planning Congress 2023 by Malaysian Institute of Planners MIP (where I was a #speaker).

Experts Share Their Vision Of A Smart City

A European Smart City consultant, Stephane Pean said smart cities are not just about technology — it’s about the people that live in it.
“A smart city is a city that uses innovation, data and technology rooted in local understanding and changing context, to shape more inclusive, liveable, and sustainable urban environments that benefit their citizens and residents.
“Sustainability is part of the cornerstone of any Smart City development – its procedures such as rehabilitation, regeneration or refurbishment of buildings are clearly in line with the 17 UN SDGs,” he told Bernama.
Pean, who is also a former town planner said building smart cities doesn’t always equate to cutting edge technology or bigger, shinier tech. In fact, more appreciation can be shown for nature-based solutions, grassroots innovations, and low-tech but high-impact interventions that solve local problems, while leveraging on indigenous knowledge and empowering people.
“City planners can engage with communities and stakeholders, such as local authorities to identify their needs and priorities, and develop solutions that address those specific issues.
“This approach can lead to more inclusive and effective solutions, as it empowers communities to take an active role in shaping their own cities,” he said.

Source: Experts Share Their Vision Of A Smart City, Bernama

About Stéphane Péan

Freelance expert, Ker-Iz Consulting