
Singapore and Beyond: Fostering Open Innovation in Smart Cities

During my three-day visit to Singapore, I reconnected with Siau Yong NG, a leading figure in smart city innovation. As the Geospatial & Data Director and Chief Data Officer at the Singapore Land Authority, his commitment to open innovation through Geoworks is inspiring. Our paths first crossed in Paris five years ago at EIT Digital, where we shared deep expertise. It’s a pleasure to maintain this valuable connection. 

3 days in #Singapore to meet great and friendly experts in the field of #smartcity. One of them, Siau Yong NG 黄晓勇, Geospatial & Data Director as well as Chief Data Officer at Singapore Land Authority (SLA), is also strongly involved in #openinnovation with #Geoworks. We met 5 years ago in Paris, when I welcomed him at EIT Digital 🇪🇺 for a deep expertise sharing. Still keeping in touch !

About Stéphane Péan

Freelance expert, Ker-Iz Consulting