Showing 32 Result(s)

Charting Sustainable Urban Futures: A European Perspective

As an urban expert, I’ve had the honor of contributing to the European report on enhancing quality of life in cities. This work aligns with Interreg Europe’s mission and touches on critical themes like urban mobility, governance, and smart city development. It’s a collective effort towards achieving Agenda 2030 and the SDGs, reflecting a shared commitment to sustainable urban progress.


Embarking on a New Venture: Launching a Consultancy for Urban Innovation and Mobility

A year of transition led to the creation of a think tank that made national headlines with its innovative approach to politics and citizen engagement. Now, the journey continues with the launch of a global consultancy in urban policy, digital cities, and mobility, bridging Bretagne and Japan through collaboration and shared vision. Upcoming Tokyo visits will further solidify this international partnership, turning transformative ideas into reality.