Showing 8 Result(s)

Air Quality Innovation: Bridging Smart Cities and Public Health

Last week’s workshop at PRASARANA MALAYSIA BERHAD highlighted the intersection of air quality and smart city solutions. Dr. Shahrul Nadzir’s presentation from UKM showcased a mobile air quality sensor, reflecting my own HSE background and past work on similar AI-driven initiatives. The event fostered valuable connections and discussions on innovative, cost-effective technologies for healthier urban environments.


Reflecting on a Fruitful Journey: Engaging with Malaysia’s Potential

As my enriching three-month journey in Malaysia and Singapore draws to a close, I’m already envisioning the next steps. The initial exploration phase has opened doors to potential collaborations, setting the stage for a deeper engagement. I’m thankful for the support from my diverse network, which has been instrumental in forging new connections. The experience reaffirmed my belief in Malaysia’s dynamic potential and the importance of critical thinking and positive action. As I prepare for my return to Paris, I look forward to continuing this momentum and contributing to sustainable development in Asia.